we knew MP3EI has been tremendous program to accelerate Indonesia Economic
Development. MP3EI used to approach by sectoral and geographic has been
emphasize with economic corridor. This
plan has been run middle of 2011 launched by President Republic of Indonesia.
And, end of May 2013 MP3EI will celebrate for 2nd Anniversary since launched.
So, what we’ve got impact of economic accelerating and expansion program?
gradually, Government launched success story where are projects groundbreaking
and inaugurating. By KP3EI as committee in charge to make sure project can be
run, launched total investment project groundbreaking and inauguration around
IDR 626 T, with composition real sectors with IDR 348 T and infrastructures
around IDR 278 T. The achievement so far away from target where’s realisation
projects until 2014 around 4000 T both of real sectors and infrastructures. It
means government has to pursue implementation investment including in MP3EI
until IDR 3374 T. I think is almost impossible implementation of projects run
as like target in MP3EI document on 2014. At the end, MP3EI has still been
minimalize impact for Indonesia’s Economic Development.
impact of MP3EI for Indonesia Economic Development because KP3EI has not been
“optimalized” to acclerate debottlenecking for all of projects. At the end, to
many projects cann’t be run and operational on schedule both of infrastructures
and real sectors. There are some bottlenecking for KP3EI to accelerate projects
in MP3EI. First, KP3EI is not super power agency and has not been authority to
decide and make a policy for debottlenecking projects. At the end KP3EI is just
administrative agency where has worked to compile all of projects, bottleneck
including in projects, and coordination function to connect within ministry or
agencies. Second, “Not Business as Usual” is only jargon can not push all
government ministry and or agencies to work more for accelation and expansion
economic development. In MP3EI’s document spirit development had been sounded
but it did not impact to government to do more. Eventually, economic
acceleration and expansion can not be implemented on the target.
KP3EI has been problem with coordination both internal (for each secretariat
corridors) and external (within other institution). Bad coordination for
Indonesia’s Government is not new thing, that why many programs created dan run
can never create optimalize results. And, KP3EI is part of bad coordination in
Indonesia’s Government. For example, with spirit “not business as usual” KP3EI
should have clear agenda to accelerate and bottleneck projects. In fact, KP3EI
can be run what should they do? At the end, we know the results of implementation
projects so far from target in MP3EI’s document. Bad Coordination creates
higher “cost of time lag of investment” its makes distortion economy than good
we think about impact of MP3EI for Indonesia Economic, we can say MP3EI has
been benefited for economic development. But it’s performed so far from being
supposed. And then, minimalize contribution so creates minimalize benefit for
Indonesian people. We talk about contribution to growth by some simply research
MP3EI can create growth 0,5-1% over than before. The asumption is all projects
including in MP3EI can run and operational on schedule. In fact, it’s
assumption can not be required and has been potential down over than
expectation. With minimilize realisation investment projects both
infrastructures and real sectors, MP3EI is so far from spirit of economic
development. If contribution for growth so little, how come to increase
Indonesia people welfare? Eventually, with or without MP3EI, Indonesia still
has high growth cause fundamental Indonesia economy today is very strong. But
the question mark who’s got benefit from the high growth? I think still on few
people Indonesia but they got high share of GDP.
published to in this link: http://ekonomi.kompasiana.com/moneter/2013/04/25/what-does-impact-of-mp3ei-to-accelerate-and-expand-economic-development-554752.html
published to in this link: http://ekonomi.kompasiana.com/moneter/2013/04/25/what-does-impact-of-mp3ei-to-accelerate-and-expand-economic-development-554752.html